pelvic pain 

If you are experiencing pelvic pain, you are certainly not alone. It is extremely common among women for a variety of reasons, including issues within the reproductive system, urinary tract, or even within your digestion. 

Whether you are experiencing constant pelvic pain or even if it comes and goes, you should absolutely talk to Dr. Kim at your next appointment. He can help diagnose the problem so that you can not only understand why it’s happening but also start a treatment plan to help soothe the pain. 

Pelvic Pain

common cause of pelvic pain

Before we dig into the tests and treatment for pelvic pain, it’s first important to understand the most common causes. 

Menstrual Cramps
Cervical Cancer
Uterine Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Again, if you are experiencing chronic or acute pelvic pain, don’t panic. It’s simply time to make an appointment to find out what exactly is going on. 

tests to diagnose pelvic pain

When you make an appointment to diagnose pelvic pain, several tests may be run to assess what is happening in your body to cause the pain. 

Abdominal and Pelvic Ex-Rays
Pregnancy Test
Blood Tests
Urine Tests
CT Scan

Once the doctor understands what the problem is, he can go forward with a treatment plan. 

pelvic pain treatement

How pelvic pain is treated depends entirely on its cause. However, Dr. Kim may opt for medicine, including painkillers and antibiotics, as well as physical therapy or even surgery. 

The bottom line is that if you are experiencing pain, ask for help! The sooner the doctor can figure out what is going on, the sooner you can live pain-free.